watercolor sketchbook in studio

In My Studio

Take a look behind the scenes where I create my art.

A beautiful environment helps me to be creative.

paint palette
painting in progress on easel.
Hardwood Easel, a gift from my husband.

Ever wonder what an artist’s studio looks like? Well, there are as many artist studios as there are artists. They range from a setup on a kitchen table to a huge modern building loft. Mine is somewhere in between. I have managed to get a lot in this smaller space: a good-sized work table and a standing table where I do my watercolors and drawings. I purchased a professional printer, which takes up more space than I would like, but it is a necessary addition to proof my prints and allows me to print many sizes in-house.

My husband gifted me a beautiful easel that is constructed of hardwoods. I feel a little guilty as I get paint on it. I would put painter’s tape on it for a long time to protect it, but I finally gave up and expected it to have a rich paint patina one day. 😉

I recently purchased another easel that will lay flat and allow me to paint on large canvases. I am very excited to get started on those. I have a pretty well-organized storage closet and a separate room for the graphic design part of my work. My other company is mainly run on computers. Website development and graphic design are primarily digital. Having the two rooms allows me to categorize my different types of work. Of course, there is overlap, but I need the mental order that keeping them separate affords me.

Even with this great studio, you will find me working sometimes in a coffee shop or bistro. I like to take my sketchbook, paint kit, and drawing kit with me and capture people as they go through their day. I love to paint plein air (outside), but it is hard to find good weather.

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