illustration for a book

The Inspiration Behind My Art

Welcome to my world of colors, textures, and expressions on canvas. I’m Tammie O’Neal, and I create art that goes beyond the visual—it touches the soul.

Art has always been my way of connecting with the world, a silent yet profound dialogue between my inner reflections and the canvas in front of me. But my creations are not solely born from my imagination—they are deeply influenced by my faith and the divine beauty of God’s creation.

A Journey Guided by Scripture

Each stroke of my brush is guided by scripture. Before my palette sees color, my day begins with reflection on a passage from the Bible. This practice not only centers my thoughts but also infuses my art with a deeper meaning. It’s about more than creating something pleasing to the eye—it’s about conveying messages of joy, peace, inspiration, and hope.

Take, for example, a recent landscape piece inspired by Psalm 19:1—“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” This scripture led me to portray a sunset that spreads across the canvas in a riot of oranges and reds, a reminder of the majestic end of a day God has made.

Subjects That Speak

The subjects I choose—whether landscapes, animals, or flowers—are reflections of the world around us. They are everyday sights that hold an often overlooked beauty, which I aim to elevate through my impressionistic style. My landscapes of Oklahoma or serene vacation spots aim to transport viewers to places of beauty and rest, reminding them of the serene and majestic beauty that surrounds us.

Art as a Dialogue

Through my art, I invite viewers into a dialogue, a moment of pause in their busy lives to reflect on the deeper things, the beautiful things. When someone tells me that a piece of my art has brought them peace or stirred a sense of joy, I know that the dialogue has not just been between me and the canvas, but between the canvas and the viewer.

Looking Forward

As I continue to explore and create, I am excited about the conversations that will unfold through each new piece. Whether it’s through an original painting or a print, the essence of my message remains the same—to bring a little more light into the world.

I invite you to explore this journey with me, to find a piece that speaks to you, and maybe, to find a new perspective that brightens your day.

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